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Empowering the future, our charity organization is dedicated to providing education and opportunities for children in Africa, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.

Capacity Building for Low Income School

Primary education in Uganda is mainly spread across the public sector and the private sector. A number of families in rural and peri-urban communities have no access to the public primary schools that offer affordable tuition packages. These families are served by the private primary schools which offer low cost and low tuition services that are affordable for the low-income families. However, a number of these schools lack proper non-teaching facilities due to limited access to capital.

Mia’Sarka has partnered with two low-income primary schools to help build capacity by supporting the construction and rehabilitation of non-teaching facilities with a goal to improve on the learning environment and general welfare of the schools.

In 2023, Mia’Sarka supported the installation of a water purification and water dispensation system for Dominic Elementary School – Wakiso District. The classroom block was rehabilitated and partitioned in order to increase the sitting capacity of the classrooms. A vegetable garden was set up in order to create an onsite source of vegetables to supplement to school’s lunch diet. 

Mia’Sarka partnered with KCCS Model Primary in 2024 to help the school increase on its rain water storage capacity by installing two additional rain water tanks. The schools existing classroom buildings were renovated in order to improve on the classroom environment. A new toilet block and dining hall are being constructed in order to improve on the school sanitation regime and dining infrastructure.

Girl’s Education Program

Many young women, especially in the urban areas have no formal skills and training hence find it difficult to get a livable wage. Through partnership with Shiloh Ministries, participants are identified and screened from targeted communities that are marginalized. Currently, the program is supporting selected young women who were enrolled on a nursing course.

Little Angels Orphanage - Ruhija

Little Angels Orphanage is located deep inside the hills of South Western Uganda on the outskirts of Bwindi Impenetrable Project. The orphanage supports infants who have lost their parents due to child birth and other circumstances like HIV contraction. This project – like others, was discovered on a trip to trek the mountain gorillas that are found in this part of the country. While on a village walk, little children were heard singing. Since 2016 when the first contact to the orphanage was made, numerous infrastructure and welfare support has been provided including a monthly feeding program for the children, rain water harvesting, and recently – a classroom block, solar system for reading light and structural improvements of the existing buildings. A kid’s library was also supported at this school in partnership with Francis Baily Primary School in West Berkshire, England under the coordination of Year 4 teacher, Juliana Snell.

Creating Impact in Communities.

We are working hard to provide these people with food, medicine, and education. But we still need your help. Contact us today for partnership or media opportunities and make a difference.

P.O.Box 75540 Kampala, Uganda
Phone: +256 780 245 603